Stay Protected: Understand the Reinstatement Clause

Stay Protected: Understand the Reinstatement Clause

Share: What Is a Reinstatement Clause? A reinstatement clause is an insurance policy clause that allows the policyholder to reinstate or restart their policy after it has lapsed. This means that if you have let your policy lapse, you may be able to start it up again without having to go through the process of getting a…

Must have Insurance Policies for Business Owners

Must have Insurance Policies for Business Owners

Share: As a small business owner or sole proprietor, you need to ensure that you protect yourself. One way to do this is by purchasing insurance policies that can cover you in the event of an accident, loss, or liability lawsuit. There are many different types of insurance policies available, and it can be difficult…

Road Warriors: Commercial Auto Insurance 101

Road Warriors: Commercial Auto Insurance 101

Share: What is Commercial Auto Insurance? Commercial auto insurance is a type of insurance coverage that helps protect businesses from financial losses resulting from vehicular accidents. Commercial auto insurance can cover a variety of vehicles, including cars, trucks, vans, and buses. Coverage may extend to include rented or leased vehicles, as well as company-owned vehicles….